My Creations

Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio

My personal portfolio website built with Next.js, featuring a dark theme with gold accents, smooth animations, and responsive design.

Coffee Shop Management

Coffee Shop Management

A full-stack web application built with PERN Stack combines behavior of Kioske and admin side.

Sasuke Tatakae

Sasuke Tatakae

A custom Visual Studio Code theme inspired by Sasuke from Naruto.

Pareto Front Optimization

Pareto Front Optimization

This project involves solving Pareto Front optimization problem by reading data file plotting the data and visualizing it. Additionally, a filtering dialog box is implemented to enable filtering based on: objective value, normalized objective and relative position. The task involves connecting these filtering methods to the logic and applying them.



A comprehensive freelancing platform built with PERN Stack, ensuring smooth experience for both clients and freelancers.

Job Seeker Portal

Job Seeker Portal

A job search platform built with MERN Stack connecting employers and job seekers with resume builder and application tracking.

Moto Rent

Moto Rent

A landing page for renting luxury cars

Spelling Checker

Spelling Checker

Advanced spelling checker using the disctionary it'll suggest you the best spelling correction based on Regex and Levenshtein Distance Algorithm

Cosmetics Ecommerce Web

Cosmetics Ecommerce Web

An e-commerce platform built with PERN Stack for cosmetics with advanced filtering, user authentication, and smart order placement.

PS5 Landing Page

PS5 Landing Page

A PlayStation 5 landing page highlighting all the main features along with games section.

Edmond's Algorithm Visualizer

Edmond's Algorithm Visualizer

The Edmonds-Karp algorithm implements the Ford-Fulkerson method for computing the maximum flow in a flow network. It leverages a breadth-first search (BFS) to find augmenting paths, ensuring that the shortest path in terms of the number of edges is chosen. This report discusses the implementation of the algorithm, enhanced with graphical visualizer.

Travel Agency MS

Travel Agency MS

Smart travel planning application with itinerary management and location suggestions.

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